Latest version.
  • Type of License
    Annual Fee
    Altered dog, cat or ferret license
    $10.00 (or $27.00/3yrs, only when matched to triennial rabies vaccine)
    Unaltered dog, cat or ferret license
    Transfer of pet license mid-year
    Potentially dangerous dog license
    Dangerous dog license
    Boarding kennel or cattery
    0 - 5 runs and/or cages capacity; $30.00
    6 - 25 runs and/or cages capacity; $60.00
    26 - 50 runs and/or cages capacity; $90.00
    51 - 75 runs and/or cages capacity; $120.00
    76 - 100 runs and/or cages capacity; $150.00
    101 + runs and/or cages capacity; $180.00
    Class A kennel or cattery
    $150.00 for 5 animals or less
    Class B kennel or cattery
    $100.00 for 5 animals or less
    Class C kennel
    Multiple pet license
    $9.00 per animal up to 4 animals; $8.00 per animal for 5 or more animals
    Altered dog, cat or ferret belonging to a senior citizen (owner 65 years or older, two dogs, cats or ferrets per household)
    1/2 of the normal dog, cat or ferret license fee, as set forth above
    Pet shop
    Pet shop (selling dogs, cats or ferrets)
    Animal dealer (not selling dogs, cats or ferrets)
    Animal dealer (selling dogs, cats or ferrets)
    Circus with elephant rides
    Theatrical exhibition
    Riding or boarding stable
    Type of License
    Annual Fee
    Animal drawn vehicle (one license per company)
    Wildlife permit
    Swine permit
    Animal welfare groups and humane organizations
    Late fee when license is more than 30 days overdue
    $15.00 plus 15% of the license fee per annum overdue
    Small trap deposit
    Large trap deposit
    Trailer and corral charge
    $50.00 per trailer or corral used
    Postage and handling for mail-in applications
    Bark collar deposit
    Bark collar usage
    Redemptions and Boarding
    Licensed domestic pets
    $15.00 plus $10.00 per day
    Unlicensed domestic pets
    $30.00 plus $10.00 per day
    Quarantine domestic pets
    $40.00 plus $15.00 per day
    Quarantine dangerous or potentially dangerous dog
    $100.00 plus $25.00 per day
    Livestock-large animals
    $50.00 plus $15.00 per day
    Livestock-small animals
    $10.00 plus $5.00 per day
    * Incurred surgical, medical, diagnosis and veterinary treatment expenses must be added to redemption and boarding fees as determined by Metro Animal Services
    Surgical, Medical and Veterinary Treatment
    Vaccination (may be a voucher)
    $20.00 each
    Parasitic examination and/or treatment (may be a voucher)
    Other medical and surgical treatment and/or diagnosis
    Violation Notice
    Fee for Each Violation
    First violation notice
    Second violation notice
    Third violation notice
    Fourth and subsequent violation notice
    As determined by Metro Animal Services
    Spay/neuter voucher
    $100.00 minimum
    Spay/neuter rebate certificate
    (Lou. Metro Ord. No. 233-2006, approved 1-4-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 60-2007, approved 4-9-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 290-2007, approved 12-20-2007; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 86-2010, approved 5-3-2010; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 190-2015, approved 11-10-2015)